Precision Land Clearing

We understand the challenges you face. The only thing between you and your perfect land is 2 acres of trees and a tangled mess of weeds. Davis Land Company can help clear the way in an efficient, cost-effective manner.
We specialize in clearing out heavily wooded land. By going into the property leaving the large trees standing we clear everything else. The land can then be viewed, walked on, and made more presentable for your needs. We use an Environmentally friendly process that returns nutrients back to the soil.
Davis Land Company covers a wide range of requirements and work with a variety of clients which includes farmers, construction companies, counties, and real estate owners. With our variety of land clearing techniques we have established ourselves as the number one choice for land clearing.
Using our state of the art mulching equipment we can tackle any project, regardless of the type of vegetation, volume or density.
From agricultural pastures to dense forest, our advanced equipment and expert team of professionals are ready to deliver. With our forestry mulching heads mounted on rubber tracked crawlers, full sized excavators, and aquatic weed harvesters -we are ready to handle any project!
Service Features
- Commercial Clearing and Grubbing
- Agricultural Land Clearing and Conversion to Tillable Acres
- Mulching Trees
- Stump Removal
- Tree chipping
- Line Fence Trimming and Full Removal
Retention Pond Maintenance

Retention ponds are artificial basins with vegetation around the perimeter that includes a permanent pool of water. They manage stormwater runoff to prevent flooding and improve water quality in adjacent waters by removing pollutants through sedimentation.
Uses for retention ponds are water quality improvement, groundwater rejuvenation, flood protection, and aesthetic improvement. Sometimes they act as a replacement for the natural absorption of a forest that was lost when an area was developed. As such, they are designed to blend into neighborhoods and viewed as an amenity. Landscape these ponds with a variety of grasses, shrubs and wetland plants to provide bank stability and aesthetic benefits. Vegetation also provides water quality benefits by removing soluble nutrients.
Read more about Retention Ponds and terminology at Wikipedia
Retention pond maintenance plays a major role in Central Florida in providing for proper flood control. In fact, the engineering of basins to collect runoff from higher elevations is an essential step in the development of new buildings, subdivisions, roads and parking lots. When properly maintained, these ponds function as a permanent “wet pond” to settle suspended sediment and other pollutants from surrounding areas.
Contact us at 407-892-3885 for a thorough analysis and personalized retention pond maintenance plan.
Unfortunately many retention ponds end up fenced-in and ignored. For these environmentally-responsible basins to function properly the area must be kept clean of trash, natural debris, and overgrowth. Any buildup of vegetation, silt, or trash can compromise the integrity and reduce the capacity of your pond. Maintaining retention areas helps keep sediments at the bottom and safeguards against flooding to adjacent properties.
The Importance of Ponds
Whether your need includes a one-time project to enhance your property investment or monthly retention pond maintenance services give us a call! We can improve the function and appearance to wilderness, residential or commercial properties with services that include:
- Management of Bank and Runoff Erosion
- Assessment of Pond’s Structural Integrity and Function
- Vegetation Management and Removal of Nuisance Aquatics
- Overgrowth, Trash and Debris Abatement
- Sediment Assessment and Control Plan
Clean Ponds – Clean Environment
Is your retention pond is part of a subdivision, an established neighborhood, a private residence or a commercial property? We have the right equipment and expertise to clean your pond fast and professionally. We focus on cleanliness, erosion repair, overgrowth, inappropriate vegetation, and runoff areas (drains, storm sewers and culverts). This is important to ensure other waterways and low-lying areas remain clean and healthy.
Retention Pond History
The State of Florida began requiring retention ponds in new developments during the 1980s. Since that time, the number of retention ponds has increased monthly. These vary in size from a small lake to less than 20 feet in diameter. As the agency responsible for permitting retention ponds, the St. Johns River Water Management District has established basic safety guidelines. In Orange County and Volusia County, local regulators do require fencing of a pond with a slope elevation greater than one-foot of drop for every 5 feet of distance.
What happens when retention and detention ponds are neglected?
Given the near-record rainfall in June and ongoing precipitation in July, stormwater runoff is an issue. Many commercial properties may have downspouts and parking lot drains tied into retention and detention ponds. If those basins get backed up, water will not properly exit surfaces causing pooling—and in worst case scenarios, you can get water backup in buildings.
Engineering firms that conduct inspection reports are looking for erosion, stress on soil embankments, debris or vegetation that blocks waterflow, proper rip-rap, sediment and debris buildup, and the condition of headwalls. You can pass a retention and detention pond inspection if you pay attention to those key areas of your commercial property’s basin.
Maintenance Services
- Litter/debris removal
- Inlet/outlet cleaning
- Vegetation management
- Sediment monitoring and removal when required.
Forestry Mulching

We offer a wide range of land clearing and forestry mulching services for land owners. Whether your acreage is large or small, individual or commercial. Our process is ideal for forest reclamation and management because it greatly reduces the amount of material to haul away and creates access for men and equipment to clear larger trees.
Advantages include:
Minimal ground disturbance, minimal damage to root systems of valuable trees, eliminates the need for burn piles, mulch remains on ground to help prevent erosion and add organic matter to soil, surface is left ready to maintain with a bush hog.
Perks of Mulching
- Very Minimal Soil Disturbance and Compaction
- NO Burning/ NO Brush Piles
- Mulch Material Aids in Erosion, Regrowth and Fertilization
- Selective Clearing
- Fast and Affordable
Lake Front Cleaning

Lakes are often at the basins that catch runoff from higher elevation areas. Sometimes they are created near Florida development areas and have been gaining in popularity to the point they are required in many instances with the new development of buildings, parking lots and roads.
Both detention basins and retention basins are ways in which flood damage reduction can be accomplished
If you’re in need of high quality Florida lake cleaning services, Florida Lake Maintenance service, Florida Retention Pond Cleaning or any other lake service in Florida area, FPC has the professional and scientific expertise to effectively manage your lake and pond cleaning and maintenance needs.
Florida Retention ponds and the attached stormwater pipe systems need to be regularly cleaned and maintained in order to assure proper drainage from your property to the retention pond designed to hold excess stormwater runoff.
Aquatic Weed Harvesting

Is your lake or pond plagued by annual infestations of nuisance and invasive plant species? Are aquatic plants like water chestnut, giant salvinia and water hyacinth reducing open water and interfering with fishing and recreation? Imagine possessing the ability to eradicate these undesirable species usually without having to navigate permitting, herbicide applications and water restrictions. Luckily, you do have that option with mechanical harvesting!
Mechanical harvesting is a tried and true solution for stubborn plant infestations in waterbodies of all types. In fact, mechanical harvesters have been used to manage plant growth in the United States for over a century. When utilized correctly, harvesting helps reduce seasonal plant growth without negatively impacting water quality or the shoreline of a waterbody. Typically, one or two harvests a year are sufficient for most lakes and ponds struggling to control nuisance or invasive plant growth.
Mechanical harvesters come in many shapes and sizes, but they all function in relatively the same way. Most equipment consists of a paddle wheel propelled barge equipped with an adjustable sickle-bar cutting head and mesh conveyor system. Unlike hydro-rakes, which are most effective at targeting floating-leaf and emergent plants with extensive horizontal rooted systems, harvesters are best utilized to remove annual floating leaf and submersed species. Depending on your unique goals, your lake management professional may recommend different cutting widths or onboard storage capacities.
Silt Fence Installation

A silt fence is a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment (loose soil) in stormwater runoff. Silt fences are widely used on construction sites due to their low cost and simple design. If you have a need to install a silt fence, give us a call for pricing!