Silt Fence For Safe, Effective Perimeter Control
A silt fence is a temporary sediment control device used on construction sites to protect water quality in nearby streams, rivers, lakes and seas from sediment (loose soil) in stormwater runoff. Silt fences are widely used on construction sites due to their low cost and simple design.
You want to be confident in the company you hire to install your erosion control silt fence. From the simplest landscape project to the most complex erosion control contract, Davis Land Company approaches every task with a combination of professionalism, efficiency, and a dedication to quality that’s hard to find.
Davis Land Company’s silt fencing can be depended on to protect waterways as sediment control during construction. The effectiveness of silt fencing is dependent on using quality materials, proper design and installation. We specialize in professional silt fence installation for both residential and commercial sites and provide only the best quality materials and workmanship.
While slit fences look simple, they sometimes fail because they’re improperly placed, hastily installed, and not maintained. Fabric can become damaged if materials are stored or moved near the fence. Fences may fail completely if they are the sole barrier for heavy runoff. This is why a professional erosion control provider is important to any successful silt fence installation and erosion control strategy.
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